Speaker:Alfonso Sorrentino (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy)
Time:2020-05-25 16:00 (Beijing time)
Zoom Conference: //zoom.us/j/97234704051?pwd=dGdCMGhxRjFKNmhOdHQ2ZVB3b1dGQT09
Conference ID: 972 3470 4051
Password: 438592
Abstract: In this talk I would like to describe some properties of Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems, with particular attention to the relation between their action-minimizing properties and their dynamics. More specifically, I shall illustrate what kind of information the principle of least Lagrangian action conveys into the study of the integrability of these systems, and, more generally, how these information relate to the existence or to the non-existence of invariant Lagrangian graphs.