Venue: Peking University
理教106, for courses and lectures
理教318, for discussion
Cheol-Hyun Cho (Seoul National University)
Bo Dai (Peking University)
Xianzhe Dai (University of Calinfornia at Santa Barbara)
Popelenskii Fedor (Moscow State University)
Otto van Koert (Seoul National University)
Toshitake Kohno (The University of Tokyo)
Tian-Jun Li (University of Minnesota)
Wei-Ping Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Igor Nikonov (Moscow State University)
Georgy Sharygin (Moscow State University)
Christopher Sogge (John Hopkins University)
Alexander Zheglov (Moscow State University)
Scientific Committee:
Dayue Chen, Gang Tian, Shicheng Wang,
Lan Wen, Pingwen Zhang
Organizing Committee:
Dayue Chen (Chair), Huijun Fan, Bohan Fang
Yi Shi, Yuguang Shi, Jiajun Wang, Zhifei Zhang
Basic Algebraic Geometry
Instructor: Prof. Wei-Ping Li
Pre-lecture notes (familiarity recommended before the lecture)
Lecture notes
Symplectic Geometry
Instructor: Prof. Bo Dai and Prof. Tian-Jun Li
Harmonic Analysis
Instructor: Prof. Christopher Sogge
Fiber Bundles & Characteristic Classes
Instructor: Prof. Xianzhe Dai
Algebra, Geometry and Analysis of Commuting Ordinary Differential Operators
Instructor: Prof. Alexander Zheglov
Download course syllabi
Support: Admitted students will be provided with campus dining cards, and admitted students from other cities will be provided with accommodation.
Application deadline: June 10, 2018
Sponsor: School of Mathematical Scicences, Peking University
Partner University: Moscow State University, Seoul National University, University of Tokyo