####go to //r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=85 ###download .zip file if you are using windows ###or .tar.gz file if you are using unix-based systems ###then install from local file ###or if you are using unix-based systems directly run ### install.packages("RHmm", repos="//R-Forge.R-project.org") library("RHmm") m1 <- c(1,1) m2 <- c(-2, -2) cov1 <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 4)/4, nrow=2) cov2 <- matrix(c(1, -1, -1, 9)/4, nrow=2) n_2d_2s <- distributionSet("NORMAL", mean=list(m1, m2), cov=list(cov1, cov2)) initProb2 <- rep(1,2)/2 transMat2 <- rbind(c(0.9, 0.1), c(0.2, 0.8)) hmm1 <- HMMSet(initProb2, transMat2, n_2d_2s) x.sim = HMMSim(1000, hmm1) plot(x.sim$obs[,1],x.sim$obs[,2],xlab="x",ylab="y") bic = c() for(n in 2:10){ tmp1 = HMMFit(x.sim$obs,nStates=n,control=list(nInit=10)) bic = c(bic,tmp1$BIC) } plot(bic) hmmfit = HMMFit(x.sim$obs,nStates=2,control=list(nInit=10)) ##look at the states hmmfit$HMM state.pred = viterbi(hmmfit, x.sim$obs) plot(state.pred$states-x.sim$states,type="h") #### real data load("cnv.RData") ### you need to put the data under the working directory to load the data plot(y) hmmfit = HMMFit(y,nStates=4,control=list(nInit=10)) state.pred = viterbi(hmmfit, y) plot(y) lines(hmmfit$HMM$distribution$mean[state.pred$states],col="red") hmmfit = HMMFit(y,nStates=5,control=list(nInit=10)) state.pred = viterbi(hmmfit, y) plot(y) lines(hmmfit$HMM$distribution$mean[state.pred$states],col="red")