#install.packages("nlme") library("nlme") library(lattice) #install.packages("lme4") #library("lme4") RIKZ = read.table("//dzpt88.com/teachers/xirb/Courses/biostatistics/Biostatistics2014/RIKZ.txt",header=T) Beta<-vector(length=9) for (i in 1:9){ tmpout<-summary(lm(Richness~NAP,subset = (Beach==i),data=RIKZ)) Beta[i]<-tmpout$coefficients[2,1] } aggregate(1:nrow(RIKZ),by=list(RIKZ$Beach),FUN=function(v){RIKZ$Exposure[v[1]]}) ###put 8 and 10 as "a", 11 as "b" ExposureBeach <- c("a","a","b","b","a", "b","b","a","a") tmp2 <- lm(Beta ~ factor(ExposureBeach),data=RIKZ) library(nlme) Mlme1 <- lme(Richness ~ NAP, random = ~1 | Beach,data=RIKZ) summary(Mlme1) RIKZ$fBeach <- factor(RIKZ$Beach) Mlme1 <- lme(Richness ~ NAP, random = ~1 | fBeach,data=RIKZ) summary(Mlme1) xyplot(fitted(Mlme1)~NAP|fBeach,data=RIKZ,type="l") F0<-fitted(Mlme1,level=0) F1<-fitted(Mlme1,level=1) I<-order(RIKZ$NAP) NAPs<-sort(RIKZ$NAP) plot(NAPs,F0[I],lwd=4,type="l",ylim=c(0,22), ylab="Richness",xlab="NAP") for (i in 1:9){ x1<-RIKZ$NAP[RIKZ$Beach==i] y1<-F1[RIKZ$Beach==i] K<-order(x1) lines(sort(x1),y1[K]) } text(RIKZ$NAP,RIKZ$Richness,RIKZ$Beach,cex=0.9) ###random slope but fixed effect Mlme1.1 <- lme(Richness ~ NAP, random = ~ 0 + NAP | fBeach, data = RIKZ) summary(Mlme1.1) F0<-fitted(Mlme1.1,level=0) F1<-fitted(Mlme1.1,level=1) I<-order(RIKZ$NAP) NAPs<-sort(RIKZ$NAP) plot(NAPs,F0[I],lwd=4,type="l",ylim=c(0,22), ylab="Richness",xlab="NAP") for (i in 1:9){ x1<-RIKZ$NAP[RIKZ$Beach==i] y1<-F1[RIKZ$Beach==i] K<-order(x1) lines(sort(x1),y1[K]) } text(RIKZ$NAP,RIKZ$Richness,RIKZ$Beach,cex=0.9) xyplot(fitted(Mlme1.1)~NAP|fBeach,data=RIKZ,type="l") ###random slope and intercept Mlme2 <- lme(Richness ~ NAP, random = ~1 + NAP | fBeach, data = RIKZ) summary(Mlme2) ## or equavalently Mlme2 <- lme(Richness ~ NAP, random = ~NAP | fBeach, data = RIKZ) summary(Mlme2) F0<-fitted(Mlme2,level=0) F1<-fitted(Mlme2,level=1) I<-order(RIKZ$NAP) NAPs<-sort(RIKZ$NAP) plot(NAPs,F0[I],lwd=4,type="l",ylim=c(0,22), ylab="Richness",xlab="NAP") for (i in 1:9){ x1<-RIKZ$NAP[RIKZ$Beach==i] y1<-F1[RIKZ$Beach==i] K<-order(x1) lines(sort(x1),y1[K]) } text(RIKZ$NAP,RIKZ$Richness,RIKZ$Beach,cex=0.9) xyplot(fitted(Mlme2)~NAP|fBeach,data=RIKZ,type="l") #### without the NAP effect Mlme3 <- lme(Richness ~ 1, random = ~1 | fBeach, data = RIKZ) summary(Mlme3) xyplot(fitted(Mlme3)~NAP|fBeach,data=RIKZ,type="l") ###generalized least square with correlated data M.mixed <- lme(Richness ~ NAP, random = ~1 | fBeach, method = "REML", data = RIKZ) M.gls <- gls(Richness ~ NAP, method = "REML", correlation = corCompSymm(form =~1 | fBeach), data = RIKZ) ###compare different methods and models RIKZ$fExp<-RIKZ$Exposure RIKZ$fExp[RIKZ$fExp==8]<-10 RIKZ$fExp<-factor(RIKZ$fExp,levels=c(10,11)) M0.ML <- lme(Richness ~ NAP, data = RIKZ, random = ~1| fBeach, method = "ML") M0.REML <-lme(Richness ~ NAP, random = ~1|fBeach, method = "REML", data = RIKZ) M1.ML <- lme(Richness ~ NAP+fExp, data = RIKZ, random = ~1| fBeach, method = "ML") M1.REML <- lme(Richness ~NAP+fExp, data = RIKZ, random = ~1|fBeach, method = "REML") ##################################### #####nested and crossed model######## ##################################### library("lme4") library("nlme") data("Oxide") Oxide <- as.data.frame(Oxide) ###this is from //www.r-bloggers.com/nested-vs-non-nested-crossed-random-effects-in-r/ ## In the Oxide data, Site is nested in Wafer, which ## is nested in Lot. But, the latter appear crossed (alghough not really crossed): #### lot -> Wafter -> site xtabs(~ Lot + Wafer, Oxide) ## Create a variable that identifies unique Wafers Oxide$LotWafer <- with(Oxide, interaction(Lot,Wafer)) ## For continuous response 'Thickness', ## fit nested model E[y_{ijk}|lot_i, wafer_j] = a + b_i + g_{ij} ## for Lot i = 1:8 and Wafer j = 1:3 and Site k = 1:3 ## where b_i ~ N(0, sigma_1) ## g_{ij} ~ N(0, sigma_2) ## and b_i is independent of g_{ij} ## The following four models are identical: ## lme4 lmer(Thickness ~ (1 | Lot/Wafer), data=Oxide) lmer(Thickness ~ (1 | Lot) + (1 | LotWafer), data=Oxide) ## Note: the equivalence of the above formulations makes ## clear that the intercept indexed by Wafer within Lot ## has the same variance across Lots. ## nlme lme(Thickness ~ 1, random= ~1 | Lot/Wafer, data=Oxide) lme(Thickness ~ 1, random=list(~1|Lot, ~1|Wafer), data=Oxide) ## Note: the second formulation illustrates that lme assumes ## nesting in the order that grouping factors are listed. I ## think that this was a poor implementation decision, and ## that the latter should indicate non-nested grouping. ## Fit non-nested model E[y_{ijk}] = a + b_i + g_j ## for Lot i = 1:8 and Wafer j = 1:3 and Site k = 1:3 ## where b_i ~ N(0, sigma_1) ## g_j ~ N(0, sigma_2) ## and b_i is independent of g_j ## lme4 lmer(Thickness ~ (1 | Lot) + (1 | Wafer), data=Oxide) lmer(Thickness ~ (1 | Wafer) + (1 | Lot), data=Oxide) ## nlme: There is no 'easy' way to do this with nlme, ## and I couldn't get this to work with nlme. This is a ## trick that gives a random slope for each level of the ## grouping variables, which are indexed by the levels of ## a dummy grouping variable with only one group. We also ## specify, for each grouping factor, that covariance ## matrix is proportional to the identity matrix. Oxide$Dummy <- factor(1) Oxide <- groupedData(Thickness ~ 1 | Dummy, Oxide) lme(Thickness ~ 1, data=Oxide, random=pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~ 0 + Lot), pdIdent(~ 0 + Wafer)))) ####there are some useful material at ####//www.geos.ed.ac.uk/homes/lsmallma/r_course.html