
Chinese Edition   


Yanxia Ren

Professor of Mathematics


School of Mathematical Sciences.
Department of Probability and Statistics
Peking University.
Beijing 100871
P. R. China


Phone: 86-10-62756663 (Office)
Fax: 86-10-62751801
Email: [email protected]






My research interests are in the areas of  Markov Processes and nonlinear PDEs.
I have been working on the following subjects:  Superprocesses, Branching Processes,
Probabilistic Potential Theory and Interacting Particle Systems


Publications   Preprints

Conference (2018):

Branching Structures (The fifth Bath-Beijing-Paris Meeting)


 Archive of talks from Sep. 2008 to present     

 (Archive of talks before Sep. 2008)

Links to other home pages:

·       IMS Home Page

·       AMS Home Page

·       MathSciNet

·       2000 MSC

·       NSF Home Page

·       StatLib

·       The Probability WEB

·       Stochastic Analysis Digest

·       History of Mathematics Archive  

Updated on Sep 11, 2017