Current Students:
MU, Yingxin (Ph.D. candidate, degree expected 2020)
QIAN, Li (Ph.D. candidate, degree expected 2021)
Former Students
Linjie (Ph.D. 2019, Exclusion
Processes and Normalized Binary Contact Path Processes: Ergodic Properties and
Large Scale Behaviors)
PAN, Yu (Ph.D. 2018, The critical value of the contact process in random environments),
XUE, Xiaofeng (Ph.D. 2014, Estimations of Critical Values for Phase Transitions
of Several Spin Systems. Beijing Jiaotong
University, Associate Prof 2017)
CHEN, Peng (Ph.D. 2013, Studies on the properties of a tagged particle in
exclusion processes. Central
University of Finance and Economy)
SHAN, Zhichao (Ph.D. 2012, The High School affiliated with Peking University)
ZHOU, Da (Ph.D. 2011, Xiamen University,
Associate Professor 2017)
YAO, Qiang (Ph.D. 2009, East China Normal
University, Associate Professor 2014)
LIU, Qi (Ph.D. 2008, Harvest Fund Management Co., Ltd)
JIA. Shumei (Ph.D. 2002, the People's Bank of China)
XIE, Yongjia (MS 2017, continue for Ph.D. study at
Purdue University)
LU, Daoxu (MS 2017, Private banking company)
XU, Wenchang (MS 2017, Shiyi School of Beijing)
GONG, Liqiang
(MS 2015, Zhongxin Jiantou
DI, Fei (MS 2015 Xueersi Training School of Nanjing)
WANG, Xiaoxing (MS 2014, Shanxi/Hebei Agricultural
Lixin (MS 2009, co-supervised by Fuxi Zhang, Harvest Fund Management Co.,
Weiyang (MS 2008, studying at the Univ. of Washington)
QU, Cong (MS 2008, China Int’l Capital
Corporation Limited)
Huixin (MS 2008, Bank of China)
LIN, Lefeng (MS 2008, China Southern Fund Management
Co., Ltd)
LIN, Huanbo (MS 2007, the Bank of Communication)
LI, Quanchang (MS 2007, Capgemini Consulting)
GAO, Wenhua (MS 2006, Ph.D. UCLA)
LI, He (MS 2005)
WEI, Bei (MS 2005, Ph.D. Hong Kong University)
WANG, Shimo (MS 2004, Heilongjiang Univ.)
WNG, Lie (MS 2003, Ph.D. U. Penn, now at MIT)
LIU, Juxin (MS 2003, Ph.D. Univ. of British Columbia, now at Univ. od Saskatchewan,Canada)
CHEN, Nan (MS 2001, Ph.D. Columbia Univ., now at CUHK)
XUE, Weizhong (MS 2000)
WANG, Liuxia (MS 2000, studying at Michigan State
JIA, Shumei (MS1999)
ZHAO, Lijiu (MS 1998)
XIE, Jun (MS 1997, Ph.D. UCLA, now at Purdue Univ.)