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Course Syllabus

Talk 1

Introduction: what does topology studies?


one: topological spaces
Talk 2- Topological structure defined by open and closed sets
Talk 3- Other basic concepts: neighborhood, interior, closure, etc.
Talk 4- Example: metric space
Talk 5- Continuous mapping and homeomorphism
Talk 6- Product space


two: Point set topology
Talk 7- Separation axioms and countability axioms
Talk 8- Urysohn lemma, Tietze extension theorem, and metrization theorem
Talk 9- Compactness and sequentially compactness
Talk 10- Connectedness
Talk 11- Path and pathwise connectedness
Talk 12- Example: finding non-homeomorphic topological structures on R


three: simple topological manifolds
Talk 13- Cut-and-paste operation and quotient space
Talk 14- Mobius strip and projective plane
Talk 15- Topological manifold, closed surface
Talk 16- Classifying and identifying closed surfaces
Talk 17- What can we say about 1-manifolds: knots and links
Talk 18- Example: 3-dimensional sphere


four: fundamental groups
Talk 19- Homotopy and mapping class
Talk 20- Fundamental groups
Talk 21- Example: fundamental groups of circle and sphere
Talk 22- Homotopic equivalence, deformation retract
Talk 23- An outline of finitely presented groups, van Kampen theorem
Talk 25- Classical applications of fundamental groups:
Brouwer fixed point theorem in dimension 2,
fundamental theorem of algebra, etc.
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