School Colloquium——Stability of minimal surfaces
报告人:Otis Chodosh (Stanford University)
时间:2021-10-29 09:00-10:00
地点:Online (Zoom Meeting)
Abstract: A surface in R^3 is minimal if its area does not change (to first order) under a small deformation. The study of such surfaces dates back to the 18th century (first studied by Euler and Lagrange). An important theme in the study of minimal surfaces is the classification of minimal surfaces under certain conditions. For example, the famous Bernstein problem asks which minimal surfaces can be written as graphs over a plane. Closely related to the Bernstein problem is the study of minimal surfaces satisfying stronger conditions that criticality of the area functional, such as stability (a surface that the second derivative test) and area minimality (a surface that is the global minimum of area). I will describe some recent results in this direction (including some of my joint works with Chao Li and Davi Maximo).
Bio: Otis Chodosh is an assistant professor at Stanford University. He obtained his PhD at Stanford in 2015, advised by Simon Brendle and Michael Eichmair. He then held positions as a Research Fellow at Cambridge University and Veblen Instructor at Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study. He is interested in geometric analysis and nonlinear PDE, specifically the study of minimal surfaces, mean curvature flow, and scalar curvature comparison.
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