School Colloquium——Cluster algebras
报告人:Fan Qin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
时间:2020-10-16 15:00-16:00
Abstract: Cluster algebras were introduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky around the year 2000. Their work were rooted in the desire to understand the dual canonical bases for quantum groups and the theory of total positivity. The theory of cluster algebras has enjoyed a rapid growth and it has soon been linked to many other topics.
In this talk, we will give an introduction to cluster algebras and some recent progress. We present important concpets and results via easy yet non-trivial topological examples.
摘要: 丛代数是由Fomin和Zelevinsky在2000年左右引入的。他们最初的目标是希望理解量子群的对偶典范基和全正性理论。丛代数的理论发展迅速,并与许多其它课题产生了联系。
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