School Colloquium——Interlacing methods in Extremal Combinatorics
报告人:Hao Huang (Emory University)
时间:2020-05-08 10:10-11:10
地点:会议ID: 351-016-128; 腾讯会议链接://
Abstract: Extremal Combinatorics studies how large or how small a collection of finite objects can be, if it has to satisfy certain restrictions. In this talk, we will discuss how eigenvalue interlacings can be used to prove various interesting results in Extremal Combinatorics, including the Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem and its degree version, an isodiametric inequality for discrete cubes, and the resolution of the Sensitivity Conjecture.
This talk is self-contained and assumes no knowledge further than linear algebra.
,2012在加州大学洛杉矶分校(ULCA)数学系获得博士学位,师从著名数学家Benny Sudakov教授,2012-2014年受邀访问普林斯顿高等研究院。现担任美国埃默里大学数学系助理教授,其主要研究领域包括极限组合、图论及理论计算机。已经在JCTB、JCTA、Combinatorica、SIAM J. Discrete Math等国际著名期刊上发表及接受发表论文20余篇。2019年用简洁巧妙的方法证明了“布尔函数的敏感度猜想”。2020年获美国斯隆研究奖。