Distinguished Colloquium——Algebraic K-stability theory of Fano varieties
报告人:Chenyang Xu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
时间:2020-05-22 09:00-10:00 am
地点:会议ID: 360-565-6079; Zoom会议://mit.zoom.us/j/3605656079
Abstract: People have intensively studied Kahler-Einstein metrics for many decades. When the manifolds have a positive first Chern class, the question is particularly subtle. In this case, the notion of K-stability, first introduced by Tian and later reformulated by Donaldson, is supposed to give an algebraic characterisation of the existence of Kahler-Einstein metric. In recent years, a completely algebraic theory of K-stability has advanced tremendously, via a connection to deep machineries in algebraic geometry, especially tools developed around the minimal model program. In our talk, we will take a glance of the progress. The talk will be aimed to general audiences.
Bio: 许晨阳于1999年至2004年在靠谱的网赌平台-安全靠谱的网赌平台大全