Mini-course:On dispersive completely integrable systems, Part IV, Well-posedness
报告人:Professor Monica Visan(University of California, Los Angeles)
时间:2022-08-16 21:00-22:00(Los Angeles Time)
Title of Talk:On dispersive completely integrable systems, Part IV, Well-posedness
Talk Time: 2022-August-16 (Monday), 21:00-22:00 pm (Los Angeles Time)
2022-August-17 (Tuesday)12:00-13:00 pm (Beijing Time)
Abstract. We first review the notion of well-posedness, including a discussion of how continuity properties of the data-to-solution map inform our notion of nonperturbative well-posedness. The first-generation method of commuting flows will then be introduced and it will be shown how this method allowed us to complete the story of well-posedness for the Korteweg--de Vries equation. We will then elaborate on why a second-generation method was needed to complete the story for the NLS and mKdV equations.
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