Gibbs measures, singular stochastic wave equations, and canonical stochastic quantization, Part II, Singular stochastic wave equations on the two-dimensional torus
报告人:Tadahiro Oh (University of Edinburgh)
时间:2021-10-27 21:00-22:00
Abstract: In this second talk, I will consider the two-dimensional case. First, I will briefly go over the construction of the Gibbs measures on the two-dimensional torus. Then, by introducing necessary renormalizations, I will describe details of the well-posedness theory for stochastic (damped) nonlinear wave equations with an additive space-time white noise forcing, posed on the two-dimensional torus. This includes the usual monomial nonlinearity but also trigonometric and exponential nonlinearities. This second talk is based on joint works with Massimiliano Gubinelli (Bonn), Herbert Koch (Bonn), Mamoru Okamoto (Osaka), Tristan Robert (Nancy), Philippe Sosoe (Cornell), Laurent Thomann (Nancy), Leonardo Tolomeo (Bonn), and Yuzhao Wang (Birmingham).
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