Short course introducing Firedrake
报告人:Patrick Farrell (Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford)
时间:2024-10-30 9:00-12:00
Firedrake is a state of the art system for solving PDEs with finite element and spectral methods. The key idea of Firedrake is to write the PDE in a compact mathematical language; Firedrake then generates the low-level code for the assembly of vectors and matrices required to solve the PDE.
I will give a short course introducing Firedrake and showing how to solve some systems of interest with it, including
- solving Poisson with optimal complexity spectral methods and p-multigrid;
- mixed formulations for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations;
- bifurcation analysis of a compressible hyperelasticity problem with deflated continuation.
The slides for a longer version are available at // .