CAM Seminar——Fast Algorithms for the ElectroHydroDynamics (EHD) of rigid particles under quasi-2D confinement
报告人:Zecheng Gan (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU)
时间:2020-12-30 15:30-16:30
地点:腾讯会议 链接:// 会议 ID:291 831 031 会议密码:201230
摘要: Lipid bilayer membranes, thin liquid crystal films, confined electrolytes, and colloidal monolayers on fluid-fluid interfaces or sedimented above a bottom wall, are all effectively quasi two-dimensional, periodic in two out of the three spatial directions, and open or confined in the third direction -- a doubly periodic geometry. Thus a simulation toolbox for the Brownian dynamics of particles with EHD interaction under quasi-2D confinement would be very helpful for the scientific and engineering community but is still lacking due to its computational complexity. In this talk, we will describe fast spectral methods based on the Fast Spherical Harmonic and Fast Fourier Transforms and also Chebyshev polynomials that can compute electrostatic and hydrodynamic interactions in doubly-periodic geometries in linear time in the number of particles. Finally we will present some applications of our approach in the simulations of colloidal self-assembly. This is a joint work with Aleksandar Donev, Leslie Greengard, Sachin Natesh and Ondrej Maxian.
简介: 干则成,2019年至今在纽约大学柯朗数学研究所从事博士后研究。之前分别于2010年和2016年在上海交通大学机械工程系和数学系取得本科和博士学位,并在16-19年于美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校任博士后助理教授。当前研究兴趣为物理,材料,以及生物等领域介观尺度多体系统的建模和快速算法,及其物理机制的研究。工作主要包括发展界面问题的分子动力学,布朗动力学以及蒙特卡洛模拟,以及电磁和流体相互作用的多体系统快速算法,和软件实现。