计算与应用数学拔尖博士生系列论坛——Solution landscape of the frustrated phases under two-dimensional confinement
报告人:Zhen Xu (Peking University)
时间:2020-12-25 12:00-13:00
地点:Room 1304, Sciences Building No. 1
Abstract: We construct the solution landscape of the diblock copolymers in two-dimensional circular confinement for Ohta-Kawasaki model, by developing a high-index saddle dynamics with the mass conservation, combined with upward search and downward search method. Considering the effects of thermodynamic parameter (symmetry preference of A or B) and the domain size, we report some interesting multiple frustrated confinement stationary solutions, construct the multiple transition pathways or the complex connections between them mediated by high-index saddle points, and finally investigate the symmetry properties of the stationary solutions. This simple 2D solution landscape study is a kind of compass for experimentalists to comprehensively understand the morphologies and transitions of copolymer–homopolymer mixtures under confinement, and laid a foundation for further investigation of more complex multi-phases in three dimensional.
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