Computing the cohomology of constructible sheaves on curves
报告人:Christophe Levrat (Télécom Paris)
时间:2022-10-05 16:00-17:00
Abstract: Given a curve X over an algebraically closed field, and an integer n invertible on X, the cohomology groups of constructible sheaves of Z/nZ-modules on X are finite. In this talk, I will give a completely explicit description of the cohomology complex of (complexes of) such sheaves in the case where X is smooth or nodal, as well as a description of the cup-products in the cohomology of finite locally constant sheaves on X when X is furthermore projective. I will give a detailed example to show that one can actually compute this cohomology complex using tools which - in a few very specific cases - are already implemented in current computer algebra systems.
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