Rigidity of Julia sets for H?enon type maps Ⅰ
主 题: Rigidity of Julia sets for H?enon type maps Ⅰ
报告人: Nessim Sibony (Université Paris XI Orsay)
时 间: 2013-10-10 14:00-17:00
地 点: Classroom Quan 9 (数学中心活动)
We prove that the Julia set of a H?enon type automorphism on C2 is very rigid: it supports a unique positive ddc-closed current of mass 1. A similar property holds for the cohomology class of the Green current associated to an automorphism with positive entropy on a compact K¨ahler surface. Relations between this phenomenon, several quantitative equidistribution properties and the theory of value distribution will be discussed. We also survey some rigidity properties of H?enon type maps on Ck and of automorphisms of compact K¨ahler manifolds. more information: //www.bicmr.org/plus/view.php?aid=1231