Cheeger constant and 1-Laplacian
主 题: Cheeger constant and 1-Laplacian
报告人: 12基础系张栋博士,导师是张恭庆老师,所学方向非线性(泛函)分析,所做方向为离散分析(Discrete analysis) (北京大学)
时 间: 2016-11-03 12:00-13:15
地 点: 理科一号楼1560
I will talk about the Cheeger constant and 1-Laplacian on both graph and region. The striking advantage of 1-Laplacian is that if we instead the 1-Laplacian of the standard Laplacian then both the Cheeger inequality and dual Cheeger inequality reduce to equalities. 报名方式:请有意参加的老师在2016年11月2日(周三)晚10点前发送邮件至
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