dhuang at math dot pku dot edu dot cn
2021 - 至今 靠谱的网赌平台-安全靠谱的网赌平台大全
2020 - 2021 美国加州理工学院 博士后
1. De Huang, Joal A. Tropp. From Poincaré inequalities to nonlinear matrix concentration. Bernoulli, 27(3): 1724-1744, 2021.
2. Jiajie Chen, Thomas Y. Hou, De Huang. On the finite-time blowup of the De Gregorio model for the 3D Euler equations. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 74(6): 1282-1350, 2021.
3. De Huang, Joal A. Tropp. Nonlinear matrix concentration via semigroup methods. Electronic Journal of Probability, 26: 1-31, 2020.
4. De Huang. Generalizing Lieb’s Concavity Theorem via operator interpolation. Advances in Mathematics, 369: 107208, 2020.
5. De Huang. A generalized Lieb’s theorem and its applications to spectrum estimates for a sum of random matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 579: 419-448, 2019.
1. A Computer Assisted Analysis Framework for Studying Finite Time Singularities of the 3D Euler Equations and Related Models, National Science Foundation (of America) 1907977, 2019-09至2022-08, 57万美元, 参加.
2. Solving Multiscale Problems and Data Classification with Subsampled Data by Integrating Partial Differential Equation Analysis with Data Science, National Science Foundation (of America) 1912654, 2019-09至2022-08, 25万美元, 参加.
3. Investigating Potential Singularities in the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations Using an Integrated Analytical and Computational Approach, National Science Foundation (of America) 1613861, 2016-09至2019-08, 50万美元, 参加.
2021.9 – 2022.1 高等数学(D类基础)
2018 Phi Tau Phi Scholarship De Huang